Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CEREC vs. Traditional Restorations

Thanks to modern technology, receiving dental restorations has become much more efficient and cost effective. One such restoration method, CEREC, has created a way for patients to receive dental restorations in just one day, making traditional restorations a thing of the past!

What is CEREC?
CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics and uses computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided milling (CAM) to create crowns in a single dental appointment. 

The CAD technology is able to scan certain areas of the mouth and take digital impressions of the restoration site. These impressions are then transferred over to a milling machine that crafts the restoration out of a block of ceramic material. The process, in its entirety, takes one hour!

How Is CEREC Better?
CEREC takes the middle man out of receiving dental crowns, veneers, or other restorations by housing a machine that creates the restoration right in the dental office. This also means that no temporary restorations are needed while you wait for your permanent restoration to arrive. Patients can enjoy watching the creation of their restoration from the dentist’s chair, without any downtime.

The process of receiving impressions with CEREC technology is also made a lot easier. Traditionally, impressions had to be taken using messy and bad tasting materials. These materials would then be sent to a lab, where the restoration would be created. CEREC eliminates all discomfort by using CAD technology that scans your custom impressions digitally and automatically transfers the images to the CAM device.

Because the preparation time is so short, dentists are able to place CEREC restorations immediately, meaning you can receive a brand new, beautiful smile in just one sitting!

Call Us Today!
Dr. Ed Akeel utilizes CEREC technology to produce crowns, veneers, onlays, and more in just one day! If you would like more information about CEREC Same-Day restorations or to schedule a consultation with us in Charlottesville, contact Dentistry By Design today!