Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CEREC vs. Traditional Restorations

Thanks to modern technology, receiving dental restorations has become much more efficient and cost effective. One such restoration method, CEREC, has created a way for patients to receive dental restorations in just one day, making traditional restorations a thing of the past!

What is CEREC?
CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics and uses computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided milling (CAM) to create crowns in a single dental appointment. 

The CAD technology is able to scan certain areas of the mouth and take digital impressions of the restoration site. These impressions are then transferred over to a milling machine that crafts the restoration out of a block of ceramic material. The process, in its entirety, takes one hour!

How Is CEREC Better?
CEREC takes the middle man out of receiving dental crowns, veneers, or other restorations by housing a machine that creates the restoration right in the dental office. This also means that no temporary restorations are needed while you wait for your permanent restoration to arrive. Patients can enjoy watching the creation of their restoration from the dentist’s chair, without any downtime.

The process of receiving impressions with CEREC technology is also made a lot easier. Traditionally, impressions had to be taken using messy and bad tasting materials. These materials would then be sent to a lab, where the restoration would be created. CEREC eliminates all discomfort by using CAD technology that scans your custom impressions digitally and automatically transfers the images to the CAM device.

Because the preparation time is so short, dentists are able to place CEREC restorations immediately, meaning you can receive a brand new, beautiful smile in just one sitting!

Call Us Today!
Dr. Ed Akeel utilizes CEREC technology to produce crowns, veneers, onlays, and more in just one day! If you would like more information about CEREC Same-Day restorations or to schedule a consultation with us in Charlottesville, contact Dentistry By Design today!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Do I Need Bone Grafting Before My Dental Implant Procedure?

In order to receive dental implants, an adequate amount of bone is necessary or else the procedure will not be successful. Typically, dental implants require six milometers or more of jawbone density, and if your jaw is lacking that amount you may require a bone grafting procedure.

At Dentistry By Design, Dr. Ed Akeel uses the Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate SynthoGraft, provided by Bicon Dental Implants. The Tricalcium Phosphate SynthoGraft is a synthetic and biocompatible material that is used to regenerate jawbone tissue.

The best way to determine whether a bone graft is necessary is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Akeel. For now, we can give you some general ideas that clue you in to whether you need to talk to your dentist about bone grafting.

What is Bone Grafting?
A bone graft is used when there is an issue associated with the bone or joint. Within dentistry, a bone graft replenishes tissues that have been lost in the jaw due to missing teeth. Receiving a bone graft increases chances of successful dental implant placement and, thanks to modern technology, has become a fairly predictable procedure.

When Would You Need One?
If the location for your dental implants has an insufficient jawbone density, a bone graft will be necessary in order to improve the quality of the tissue.

In our Charlottesville office, the bone graft is created using pure Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate and does not involve biologically-derived grafting materials. Patients have a greater acceptance rate of the Tricalcium Phosphate due to its synthetic nature and subsequently experience a faster healing process than other available bone grafts.

Once the graft has healed, your jawbone will be able to withstand dental implant placement.

Call Us Today!
If you would like more information about bone grafting, or to find out whether a dental implant procedure is right for you, please contact Dr. Ed Akeel at Dentistry By Design and schedule a consultation with us in Charlottesville.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why Should I Choose Mini Dental Implants?

Implant dentistry has created numerous options for restoring missing teeth. Single and multiple dental implants, as well as implant-supported dentures and bridges have given patients with missing teeth a reason to smile again. Now on the rise, as another advancement in implant dentistry, are mini dental implants, which have been giving patients new smiles in ways that traditional, full-sized dental implants haven’t.

If you are interested in replacing one or more missing teeth with dental implants, consider the benefits of mini dental implants first by reading our list below!

Mini dental implants are less invasive
The technology used for mini dental implants allows the implants to be placed in a way much less invasive than traditional dental implants. A controlled technique is used that inserts the implant directly into the jaw. This additional peace of mind works well for patients who are anxious about receiving a surgical procedure.

Mini dental implants are placed quickly
Due to their minimally invasive nature, mini dental implants can be placed in one short visit to the dentist. Although each patient’s case differs, it is possible to walk out of your first visit to the dentist’s office with a brand new smile!

Mini dental implants are more affordable
Because mini dental implants are small and placed quickly, the cost for the entire procedure is less than receiving traditional dental implants. The smaller implants are easier to manufacture, making them more affordable.

Mini dental implants provide additional stability
Typically, mini dental implants are used to provide support for full-arch dentures. Some patients may be self-conscious about their dentures slipping out, having food limitations, or are tired of using messy denture adhesives, but with mini dental implants, denture wearers can secure their false teeth by having implants placed that snap into housing structures located on the denture.

Mini dental implants work for low jawbone density
Patients who are interested in receiving dental implants may be turned away due to their deteriorating jaw bone. Mini dental implants are smaller in size and can be placed in low-density jawbones with success, allowing patients to achieve a healthy smile along with a healthier jawbone.

Call Us Today!
The best way to determine whether mini dental implants are right for you is to contact Dr. Ed Akeel, at Dentistry By Design, located in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Dr. Akeel is proud to offer the 3M™ Mini Dental Implant (MDI) Denture Stabilization System for patients looking to gain a full smile and he would be happy to schedule a consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for mini dental implants.